Day 18 – Utah 2 (10/13)

Started off the day heading North towards Salt Lake City. Utah’s mountains are impressive. The landscape’s pretty desolate.

Quick break in Provo, a nice town. The BYU kids I saw milling around seemed happy enough with it.

Climbed up to the capitol building on the hill through some of SLC’s wealthier suburbs:

Headed out to Antelope Island, the state park on the island in the great salt lake. I’ve never seen so many bugs in my life. The causeway is absolutely choked with bugs, swarms so thick you can see them buzzing above the vegtation on the roadside for a solid half mile.

Once you’re over the causeway though, they mostly retreat. Bison are the main residents of the island. The water seems unusually reflective. The city itself is barely visible from the island.

Camping near Bear Lake on the Idaho border before heading into Wyoming.